Archiv für den Monat: Juni 2015

The Answer! The Ultimate Question! Life! The Universe! Everything!

Everybody’s likely to pull their own highlights from the WWDC, but I hope—dare I predict?—John Gruber’s “The Talk Show: Live from WWDC 2015” will be all the way up there. I’ve mentioned how much I like Apple’s (new) openness—latest example: Stephen Fry met Jony Ive—but this is a whole new level: “I shit you not”, Phil Schiller. “Apple doesn’t do this,” said Marco. And Phil blushed.

Assorted quick notes from WWDC:

Here’s your chance to escape IRC (say, ##osx-server) and try out Slack: “Have you joined our #macadmins @SlackHQ team yet? Sign up now!”. This is the team. And you can sign up here.—Be prepared for lots of GIFs…

Really good reads:

The last one is gonna cost some time… and might actually be for your clients or bosses or generally inquisitive parties.


I can’t wait to meet again, on Thursday, 18 June 2015, at 18:45, at Gloria, for the [MacSysAdmin] Bier #42, because it’ll mean the worst of the “excitement” will be over…

Uff, MnM

PS: We’re still going to Göteborg, from 29 Sep to 2 Oct: MacSysAdmin 2015. Have you registered?